

Images from MécaLéo

©Université de Tours/CNRS


Mecaleo©Intelligence des Patrimoines

An immersive and interactive discovery of Leonardo da Vinci’s machines

This is a serious virtual reality video game that plunges you into the Renaissance period to discover how the famous machines designed by Léonard de Vinci worked.
It’s a Renaissance Transmédia Lab project jointly developed by the Centre d’études supérieur de la Renaissance (CESR) and the Intelligence des Patrimoines research programme.
We produced the final version of the game using a pre-existing development. We also completed the portrayal of all the 3D content (décor, machines, etc.) and created all the project’s game play features before adding a web version of the game.



Mediation support developed with the contribution of Les Fées Spéciales, as part of the ARD Intelligence des Patrimoines program funded by the Center-Val de Loire region.

ARD Intelligence des Patrimoines
Scientific supervisor: Pascal BRIOIST (Professeur des universités)

Production manager: Benoist Pierre

Coordinator: Morgane Chaumier

Project manager: Emmanuel Barreau

Scientific mediation officer: Katel Lochet

IT engineers: Johann Forte, Damien Vurpillot

Voice-over and voice recording: Jean-Philippe Letourneur

Communications officer: Marine Bruneau

Les Fées Spéciales
Project manager: Duy Kevin Nguyen

Co-managers: Flavio Perrez, Sophie Marron et Eric Serre

Production manager: Natalène Darfeuille

Developer, architecture, Game Play: Benoît Fouletier

Developer, Game Design, Game Play & animation: Duy Kevin Nguyen

Developer, Lighting, FX, Level Art: Henri Hebeisen

Developer: Mathias Fontmarty, Jérémy Daffix

Musical composition: Louis Louise Kay

Sound design: Mare Nostrum records

Texture artist: Anthony Carmona, Laurent Guerin

Modelisation, Texture, Level art: Chloé Fontaine

Modelisations: Daniel Sanchez de la Torre, Fernando Montero Valdivieso, David Monteri Valdivieso et Nicolas Guazzagaloppa

Production assistant: Daniela Costa Helou

Intern: Estelle Drocourt