Le réveil de l’ours des cavernes

Images from the projet


Research boards

Le réveil de l’ours des cavernes©Muséum d’histoire naturelle de Nîmes, Ville de Nîmes


The 360° virtual reality film, le réveil de l’ours des cavernes (the Awakening of the Cave Bear), is the new mediation device at the Nîmes Museum of Natural History. Installed in the Prehistory room, facing the bear’s skeleton, it brings this prehistoric giant back to life. Equipped with virtual reality headsets, visitors gradually see the room disappear and the bear re-materialize on its skeleton. They are then transported 15,000 years back in time to follow the fascinating daily life of this mythical animal.



Muséum d’histoire naturelle de Nîmes
Production: Muséum d’histoire naturelle de Nîmes – Ville de Nîmes
Scientific advisors: Adeline Rouilly, Laura Morazzani, Laurent Comte

Scientific advisors: Evelyne Crégut et Philippe Fosse, paléontologues.

Project managers: Jean-Pascal Marron, Manon Jeanjean,

Les Fées Spéciales

On this project, we were responsible for the production, artistic direction, and the entire creation of the images.
Director and Artistic Direction: Eric Serre
Technical director: Flavio Perez

Modeling, Bear and Scenery, 3D Infographics with Unreal, Animation:  Alexis Poinot, Damien Picard
Financial director: Sophie Marron
Production manager: Natalène Darfeuille

Production Assistant: Sarah Guinault

This multimedia is produced in association with Opixido (voices, translation, music and script)