Venus de Lespugue


©La Voie Lactée


Broadcast on France 3 on 02/23/2023

The Venus of Lespugue, 14 cm high, is a mammoth ivory jewel. It was found in 1922 at the foot of the Pyrenees, in Haute-Garonne, by René de Saint-Périer, a doctor passionate about archeology, then almost blind! Dated to 25,000 years before our era, the sculpture with its generous curves, its fractures and its mathematical construction, inspired Picasso and Giacometti in particular. Nathalie Rouquerol, a historian specializing in prehistory, lives a few hundred meters from the Rideaux cave in the Save valley, where the figurine was found. Always passionate about this discovery, she takes us to meet personalities who shed light on the mystery of this sculpture, a real « Mona Lisa of the Paleolithic ».

On this documentary, we made the infographics of the Venus of Lespugue from an existing 3D model of the Museum of human (National Museum of Natural History). For this project, a non-realistic aesthetic was chosen.


Production: La Voie Lactée

Coproducers: le LoKal et France Télévisions
Director: Anaïs Enshaian
Wrote by: Nathalie Rouquerol et Anaïs Enshaian

Les Fées Spéciales

On this project, we created 3D infographics.

Artistic director: Eric Serre

Modeling, lighting & compositing: Damien Picard

Layout & Animation: Alexis Poinot

Development:Baptiste Delos

Production manager: Natalène Darfeuille

Financial director: Sophie Marron

Technical director: Flavio Perez