Roman Seasons: The Seasons Mosaic

Images from the film

Images of the concept

Images de l’exposition

La mosaïque des saisons © Musée et site archéologique de Saint-Romain-en-Gal

Temporary exhibition from June 2024 to 2027.

We have created two installations for the temporary exhibition Roman Seasons, which takes place from 2024 to 2027 at the Gallo-Roman Museum of Saint-Romain-en-Gal. The exhibition focuses on the so-called Seasons mosaic, illustrating agricultural activities and rituals related to the four seasons. This is the first time the mosaic has been displayed in Saint-Romain-en-Gal since its discovery on the site in 1890. It was restored in 2022-2023 by the museum teams, which house one of the largest workshops for the restoration of mosaics and painted plasters. This animated film traces its history from its discovery to its restoration in 2022 by the teams of the Gallo-Roman Museum of Saint-Romain-en-Gal. The second part of the film explores the scenes depicted on the mosaic, animating them to show visitors the represented actions.



Musée Gallo-romain de Saint Romain-en-Gal 
Production: Musée Gallo-romain de Saint Romain-en-Gal, Département du Rhône
Consulting and Supervision:
Emilie Alonso, Museum Director
Matthieu Souche, Head of Temporary Exhibitions
Judith Lesfauries, Exhibition Assistant

Les Fées Spéciales

Director, Artistic Direction, and Set Design: Eric Serre

Storyboard and Graphic Design: Marie Saby

Musical Composition, Mixing, and Sound Design: Thomas-James Potrel

Animatic: Jean-Baptiste Marchand

Animation: Léa Cluzel, Estelle Bray Conformation, Photogrammetric Data Processing: Damien Picard

Conformation, Rendering: Alexis Poinot Compositing: Julien Delwaulle

Technical Director: Flavio Perez Financial Director: Sophie Marron Production Manager: Natalène Darfeuille

Production Assistant: Sarah Guinault