Roman Seasons: The Quest for Colors

Images from the film film

Images of the exhibition

La quête des couleurs©Musée Gallo-romain de Saint-Romain-en-Gal


Temporary exhibition from June 2024 to 2027.

We have created two devices for the temporary exhibition Roman Seasons, which takes place from 2024 to 2027 at the Gallo-Roman Museum of Saint-Romain-en-Gal. The exhibition focuses on the so-called Seasons mosaic, depicting agricultural activities and rituals related to the four seasons. This is the first time the mosaic has been displayed in Saint-Romain-en-Gal since its discovery on the site in 1890. It was restored in 2022-2023 by the museum teams, which house one of the largest workshops for the restoration of mosaics and painted plasters. The mosaic served as the floor for a domus during the Gallo-Roman period and was partially destroyed by a fire. The device « The Quest for Colors » proposes a hypothesis for the polychromy of the damaged tesserae.


Musée Gallo-romain de Saint Romain-en-Gal 
Production: Musée Gallo-romain de Saint Romain-en-Gal, Département du Rhône

Consulting and Supervision:
Emilie Alonso, Museum Director
Matthieu Souche, Head of Temporary Exhibitions
Judith Lesfauries, Exhibition Assistant

Les Fées Spéciales
Director, Artistic Direction, and Set Design: Eric Serre

Storyboard and Graphic Design: Marie Saby

Digital Restoration Graphic Designer: Ghislaine Serre
Conformation, Photogrammetric Data Processing: Damien Picard
Compositing: Julien Delwaulle
Technical Director: Flavio Perez
Financial Director: Sophie Marron
Production Manager: Natalène Darfeuille

Production Assistant: Sarah Guinault